Monday, August 9, 2010

2 Days... no AC, 100 degrees.

Friday evening I came home from work to a hot house. I knew it was hot outside so I really didn't think much of it and just turned the AC down. We keep the door to our bedroom closed during the day (we have an 11 year old at home alone) so when I walked back there it was sweltering hot. I called the repair people and waited... and waited and finally I took the kids to grab some dinner just to enjoy some AC somewhere. Bless their hearts they didn't complain about the heat at all. When we came home my brother-in-law and his kids were at our house. So we let the kids jump on the trampoline for a while and play outside. It was about 8:45 when the repair man showed up, and 20 min later we had working AC. I was thrilled because I was dying at this point. You know it's hot when you're sitting still and dripping sweat.

Fast forward to Saturday morning at 10 and it's hot again. Every time I would get up I would get really dizzy, so I knew it was too hot. I called Jason and explained how hot it was and he said that it's hot outside so the house is going to be warm. Really? Ok... The kids and took off to the pool for the day. We came home at 4:00 and it was 85 degrees in the house. I knew something was wrong at that point. I called the repair man and he said that someone would be out soon. We waited all afternoon and were all miserable. We stayed because someone has to be here when they come! Boo! We finally decided to go to wal mart and buy some fans. When we returned, the kids took cold showers and climbed into bed with their fans blowing in their sweet faces. Jason and I were so miserable. We were lying in bed with no clothes and a fan pointed directly at us and were still sweating. Neither one of us slept very well that night.

Hello Sunday morning. The house heated up pretty quick. We called the repair man AGAIN and they said that we're "on the list". That's not really reassuring. We decided to leave and go eat breakfast and had planned on being gone most of the day. We ran our errands, goofed off and finally made it back home at 3:30. At this point I was exhausted! I tried to take a nap and it was just too hot. Still no repair man. So we decided to get out again and stay gone until the sun went down. We came home at 6 and it was even hotter in the house. The thermostat said 93 degrees! I cooked some dinner, we sat outside to eat, lit the tiki torches and had a good time. I even put our 15" kitchen TV in the open window and we watched TV for a few hours. The kids jumped on the trampoline and played with the hose and never once complained about the heat. I was getting frustrated because it was 8:45 and still no repair man. I decided to give him a call on his cell phone and I could tell that he was at home. I asked him if he planned on coming out and he said that he called our landlord and told her that we needed a special part and wouldn't be able to get it until Monday. She never called us to let us know! I started crying and saying that I felt like we were being punished for some reason. Jason never said anything and I went to get in the shower. I took the coldest shower of my life and when I got out I noticed that the bathroom was starting to cool off. I heard Jason banging around outside and asked him what was going on and he grinned and said "it's working now". WHAT! 2 days of being miserable and you fix our AC in 10 min! There were some loose wires that were causing a short in the fan. Jason fixed it and I felt a sense of relief.

It was a rough weekend but we made it through together. I feel so blessed to have a wonderful husband and great kids. Not once did they complain about the heat and I could see that they were miserable.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Can we say EXCITED?

Here we "grow" again. I'm attempting a 2nd post in this blog, so just work with me here. This past weekend was a productive one. I somehow convinced Jason to help me clean the house and assemble the crib! I am marking this past weekend on the calendar because it will never happen again.

So, my next Dr's appointment is on the 24th and it seems like it's so far away. This week has already gone by pretty fast, maybe it will get here sooner rather than later. My friend, Denise, sent me a doppler so that I can listen to the heartbeat at home! I have used it a few times and have only been successful in finding the heartbeat once maybe twice. Hopefully I will get better at finding it. It gives me peace of mind but at the same time a little anxiety as well.

Nate will be 5 years old in exactly one month. I'm so excited but so sad. He is my first child and to see him growing up so fast makes me want to put a plate over his head and cry. Kids have to grow up sometime. Nate acts much older than 4 sometimes. The other day we were playing baseball (his FAVORITE sport) at the J and I said "Nate are you ready to quit?" Nate said "No, mom, I'm not quitting until I win" WHAT! ok... lol. I needs to start writing everything that he says down, because it is just out right hilarious sometimes.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Our incredible journey is just beginning or maybe continuing...

Well here it goes, but where do I start. We have never blogged before but I figured we could give it a shot. Well, my name is Caroline and my husband's name is Jason. We met about 8 years ago while opening Journey's in Brookwood Mall. :) Attraction at first sight. Sounds like something out of a book, but it's true.

Anyway, fast forward a few years and we had our son Nate. Seriously, he is the reason I wake up in the morning. I love him so much. He has brought us nothing but joy, ok maybe a little stress; but definitely joy. By the way, Jason has an older son named Jason. Just last year he came to live with us. It has been quite an adjustment. He has usually stayed with us during summers and that was always a challenge, but this time he wasn't going home. Our home was his permanent home now. There have been ups and downs, but we have gotten through this past year. It's been a major adjustment for all of us. It has all been completely worth it though. With little Jason and Nate, Jason and I thought we were done having children. In fact, Jason insisted that we would not have anymore. Little did he know what was about to happen. In April we found out that we were pregnant. It did not last very long. A few days later we lost the baby. I was pretty upset. All these years I have been wanting another baby and I was finally pregnant only to find out that we lost it. Well, about 7 weeks later we found out that we were pregnant again.

Here is a picture of Baby Petty at 6 weeks. We got to see the heartbeat! It was really reassuring. Four weeks later was my 2nd appointment and I got to hear the heartbeat with the fetal doppler. It really made my day.

You know what the most asked question is when you tell people you're pregnant? "oh Congrats, do you know what you're having?" Well, NO not yet. And how about you not touch my stomach. I know people mean well, but seriously? To answer that "most asked question" though, we do not know. But everyone else seems to have an opinion. Most people are saying girl and oh how I hope they are correct. I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but I think I'll cry if we have another boy. Basketball team Petty would be in the making at that point. Come late September we will find out. I think that Jason is also hoping for a little girl. This will be our last baby, so we just want our little girl to feel complete. :) Honestly, I will be so thankful for a healthy baby it won't really matter. Be sure to keep up with us as we embark on this journey of life with 3 times the smiles.

Stay tuned for more updates...